All Locations
We offer health and wellness services at locations across metro Richmond and surrounding areas. Some offer walk-in services, some offer services by appointment and others are located in residential facilities and are for residents only.
Church Hill House
A multi-unit housing complex located in the East End of Richmond, Va. Services at this location are for residents only.

Dominion Place
A multi-unit housing complex located near VCU's Monroe Park Campus. Services at this location are for residents only.

Highland Park
A multi-unit housing complex located in the Northside of Richmond, Va. Services at this location are for residents only.

Lawrenceville/South Hill
Services at this location are walk-in and by appointment.

Located in the Virginia Community Resource Center in Petersburg, Va., services at this location are walk-in.

Southwood Apartments
A multi-unit housing complex located on the Southside of Richmond, Va. Services at this location are walk-in.

Located at the Tappahannock-Essex Fire Department Station 1, services at this location are walk-up and by appointment.

The Rosa
A multi-unit housing complex located in downtown Richmond, Va. Services at this location are for residents only.

VCU Health Hub
A health and wellness center located in the East End of Richmond, Va., services at this location are walk-in.